
We offer implementation support to the software products which includes detailed study of business processes, its documentation and implementation. Here's step by step guide on how we manage the seamless execution of ERP system.

System Study: Study of current system to understand pros and cons. It includes detailed discussions with every department on their working, pain points, practices, and various formats they are using. It also includes study of inputs and outputs of each department.

Process mapping: All processes in system will be mapped with current processes. Addition or deletion of current processes will be discussed and implemented for smooth flow and smooth integration with ERP.

SOP PReparation: While customizing the software to best suit your requirements, SOPS will be prepared for every transaction for each department. These SOPs will help in integrating physical transaction to link with system transactions. Also Process Flow Diagrams will help all the employees to be on one page while proceeding further with ERP.

System Implementation: After development of every module, it will be tested on floor and then it will be implemented for set of operations. We will be the partner for this implementation process. It includes training of users and handholding of users to make them comfortable while using system. Also, HODs will be trained to use system for analysis and getting better control on the processes.

System Integration: This is most critical part of any system development and implementation. After implementing system modules, integration of all modules is important part of the process. Complete system will be checked for live projects and it will be made seamless by filling the gaps if any.